Recruiting/TA Leaders - You can hire people who work remote from the Dominican Republic as "YOUR" recruiter/sourcing trainees for 50% to 75% less than in mainland USA and only 2 hours from Miami!
This is a shortcut to growing your own nearshore/lower cost recruiting operation and is a smarter way to add remote/lower cost recruiting staff to your business plan vs. renting people from offshore recruiting/RPOs.
Zoom or Teams can make it same as if remote staff are there in your USA office.
Our USA corporation built and sold two recruiting firms. We had tried offshore RPOs for lower cost recruiting yet like most American companies we canceled when realizing the failures outweighed the benefit of lower cost.
Our solution was to form an HR company in the Dominican Republic to recruit, hire, legally payroll and grow our own nearshore/lower cost recruiting-sourcing operation. This was so much better than renting staff from offshore companies!
We sold the recruiting firms and kept the Dominican HR company. Today, you can use our DR/HR company to recruit, hire, legally payroll and help you grow your own nearshore/lower cost recruiting-sourcing operation!
The people work for you same as normal employees while on paper are contractors through our DR/HR company.
You get the loyalty, quality and longevity of career minded employees (which is impossible with offshore recruiting companies) without the employee related legal risks, no payroll tax, no cost for insurance or other benefits and none of the overhead costs of a USA based employee.
The package includes the person + computer + high speed internet + we front the money to cover payroll + our Dominican supervisor partners with you to help manage people + we maintain a bench of people as replacements or to add to your team and more as a package.
The total billing rate for this package can be 50% to as much as 75% less than your cost to employ a similar person without any package in the mainland USA.
Instead of renting people from an offshore company where you have no control over the people and there are problems with training, accents, uncaring attitudes and other issues you are using our Dominican HR company as a shortcut to grow your own nearshore/lower cost staff operation where you have Full Control.
Why recruiter trainees vs. experienced recruiters? You know the truth, most experienced recruiters end up not being as good or successful as you hope for when hiring them. The ONLY way to control success vs. failure of recruiting is to hire and train recruiting/sourcing staff to work Your Way.
We created a very good recruiter training program that you can think of as a college semester recruiting 101 course that prepares suitable people in the Dominican Republic to become your remote/lower cost recruiter trainees. This is 30 videos that covers use of LinkedIn, job boards, direct hire vs. temp/contracting etc.
Our recruiter training is designed to be a foundation for your recruiting leader to take over training up the rest of the way. And, this plan gives you control over the success vs. failure of the people on your nearshore team.
What is a permanent contractor and how is this different from renting recruiting staff from RPOs? If you hire a person in the USA as a contractor and manage them same as if they are an employee (like a contract recruiter where work hours or activity metrics are required) the IRS could audit and classify the contractor as an employee.
The penalty can be expensive fines and being forced to pay back taxes, PTO and other fees and costs.
If you rent recruiting staff from RPOs the quality is very low, training is terrible, turnover is high and this never works out as good as RPOs promise. RPOs pay people poverty wages, treat them badly and the people know American companies think of them as Expendable!
It is impossible to get loyalty, quality, longevity and commitment from people who think the RPO is their employer and are just extra expendable staff for the American company.
We simply created a shortcut for you to create your own lower cost recruiter/sourcing operation in the Dominican Republic.
A permanent contractor is when you hire a person who works remote from another country through an HR/payroll company where they fit in same as a normal employee while on paper are a contractor.
Using Nicole in the Dominican Republic as a sample person, she can work her entire career for your company where you have 100% control over her job description and how she is trained/managed same as a normal happy, loyal and career minded employee - yet on paper she is a contractor.
The key issue is IRS rules governing use of long term contractors apply only to USA citizens, not to a person like Nicole who works remote from another country.
There are no legal employment risks, no payroll or other taxes, no cost of health or other insurance, no cost of computers, internet or any of the overhead that comes with a normal employee.
Nicole can work the next 20 years for you from the DR as a permanent contractor and fit in same as a normal employee!
Your Company > Our USA Corp > Dominican HR/payroll corp > Nicole/contractor in the DR
Candidate Sourcing, Recruiter Clone, Recruiting Assistant, Full Recruiting, new hire onboarding & payroll are a few ideas or even a do everything assistant for a recruiting leader are all possibilities.
There are 2 Youtube videos below. Nicole is a real person in the DR who works as a remote recruiter/sourcer for a company in New York. The 1st video is Nicole explaining a short summary.
The 2nd video is Nicole showing a detailed presentation with all the facts and information.
Maria Hernandez:
We typed this following information for those of you who cannot view the videos.
Our contact information is down at bottom of this page.
Instead of renting supposedly trained recruiters from an offshore RPO (which never works out good) you can use our Dominican HR/payroll company as a short-cut to help you build a low-cost recruiting & support team in the Dominican Republic that you 100% control same as with normal employees.
To clarify, we can recruit English/Spanish speaking college educated people in the Dominican Republic who are well suited to become recruiter/sourcer trainees. You interview and tell us who to hire. We hire the people you select through our Dominican HR/payroll company where the people work for you same as normal employees.
Technically, the people we assign to your company are contractors but IRS rules governing use of long term contractors do not apply as they are only for USA citizens.
This means a person like Nicole in the video can work long term for you same as a normal employee without any employee related legal risks and no employee overhead costs such as taxes, benefits, insurance, 401k, etc.
The combination of lower cost of living + permanent contractor plan + currency exchange rate explain how and why people like Nicole can work remote from the Dominican Republic for 50% to 75% less than the mainland USA.
Recruiter Training and hiring experienced recruiting staff versus recruiter/sourcer trainees.
It is seems easier to hire trained recruiters because they should it the ground running. However, the 80/20 rule from sales also applies to recruiting. This means 80% of results come from the top 20% of salespeople or recruiting staff. This also means 80% of recruiters are average to poorly trained.
Think of it. A recruiter can have 7 years of experience but are worse to hire than a recruiter with 2 years experience. How and why? There are MANY recruiters with years of experience where they worked for one company after another that are terrible at training recruiters.
7 years working for companies that are bad at training recruiters = 7 years bad experience! 2 years experience with a company that is good at training recruiters is much better than a recruiter with 7 years bad training & experience.
It is always best to be capable of training your own recruiting staff, same as with salespeople.
Our business model is to set you up with recruiter trainees who we provide a Recruiter/Sourcing training program so they are well prepared to come into your company ready for your recruiting leader to take over training the rest of the way to work and recruit Your Way!
We provide recruiter training on 30 video tutorials to the people set up to work with your company.
This training covers using LinkedIn and job board resume databases, Boolean searching and much more. This is a very good A to Z recruiter 101 bootcamp training.
These 30 videos teach more recruiter training than any staffing firm or corporation teaches recruiter trainees over their 1st year!
You can perceive our recruiter training as a college semester recruiting 101. The plan is for people in the DR to study our recruiter training to become prepared for your recruiting leader to take over training up the rest of the way - to work and recruit Your Way!
We front the money to cover monthly payroll where your company reimburses ours the next month!
The cost to hire people in DR including all overhead can be 50% to 75% less than comparable people in your USA location and turnover can be lower when compared to employees in the mainland USA.
With remote access tools a person working remote can easily access your computer system to work. And, use Zoom or Teams so you can see and talk to your Dominican recruiting staff Live same as if they are working in your USA office.
Being the DR is only 2 hours from Miami you can easily fly to come visit and spend time with your Dominican low cost recruiting staff! This is not India or the Philippines!
There is no long term risky contract. Just like when hiring an employee you go into this wanting long term success while being able to cancel any time.
You are in control over the people, they are YOUR TEAM! We fit in the middle as the legal payroll provider in the Dominican Republic to make this happen for you!
Our Florida phone number: (954) 464-6330
Maria Hernandez: